Tuesday, 19 November 2013


Recent creations and experimentation

After taking my own photos for the idea of recklessness and helplessness in my A2 human form project I have started to record and experiment from one particular image. I am playing around with the idea of having metaphorical scares through accidents and reckless behavior.  

The mirrored cracks identify that the female figure has many scares and that many viewers can see themselves through the similar, reckless actions of one another. 

Use of photography to lead to new developments

Using photography I was able to create my interpretations of reckless and helpless behavior. These were manipulated using an editing program of my computer and all make-up I applied myself.

Personal Artist study

This is an extract from my artist study assignment, a working document which answers the question 'How do male portrait artists present females within their work'.

This cropped image concentrates on a female figures portrait exposing the face, neck and chest.  Saliot’s use free hand, expressive brush strokes of oil paints in rich colours of warm yellows and reds bring a warm, exciting energy to the piece as well as the posed position of the female acting like an iconic personality in the media of the present day. It also reminds me of the Pop art scene and lifestyle. The close up portrait allows us as viewers to share the intimacy with the female in the piece as well as Saliot. He uses this practice in many of his works so viewers can understand the atmosphere and intentions of his pieces.
The warmth of the woman is presented through her posed stance and posture but there is nothing awkward about her; instead a sparkle of confidence oozes through the surface of the painting allowing viewers to have a positive but un-answered view about the female; she is ultimately left anonymous. The sunglasses the female is wearing leaves me with the interpretation that she is using them as a shield from the camera in front of her. The cigarette gives me the impression that she doesn’t care what people think as the unhealthy action juxtaposes the pure, natural beauty of the female. The female’s attitude is rebellious but the usage of the sunglasses hide the truth to how she really is feeling or to mask her identity.  

Recreational drawings

These drawings I produce in my own time based on my favorite films, all are done with a range of tonal pencils. These are not involved in my A2 project.

Experimentation and New Directions

These new images and sketch book extracts show the new thoughts and evolving of themes after the creation of the second outcome. After creating the two outcomes I decided to look at the theme of reckless behavior, sparking these new sketch book pages.


Suffering outcome